The function printPrimes(nPrimes) is our looping function that will print out the number of primes we pass in. We stick to 99 for this challenge.
The next step is to set n to 0, because we want to start with the 0th prime number and set i to 2, because we know the first prime number must be 2.
Then we loop over the condition of n < nPrimes and check if the value of i is a prime number by actually calling our second function: isPrime(number).
This function is all about checking if the number is below 2; no prime number. Then if it is equal to 2; a prime number. For every other case, we apply the commonly known rules for prime numbers. Being divideable only by itself or 1.
The for loop checks if we have a maxdivisor that results in the valid integer division with the result of 0. If so, it isn’t a prime number; referring back to the commonly know rules for prime numbers.
If the loop does not return false and run through successfully, the function returns true, and the while loop of printPrimes continues.
The printout for the first 18 numbers. The list goes on until 99. The output means the 0th prime number is 2, then the 1st prime number is 3, and so on…
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Calculate the sum of digits of a positive integer number.
The integer 1235321
The solution is pretty straightforward. You need to separate the digits to loop over them and add them to a sum.
You can do it by a conversion to a string because this is nothing more than a char array under the hood.
You can take advantage of this knowledge by iterating over the array with a for-of-loop. While looping you add up the sum and finally returning the sum to the caller.
This is the printout after the sum was created.
Pro-Tip: If you want to write better code, try to accomplish this task with the reduce() and map() functions from the Array.prototype.
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Create a function that will return a Boolean specifying if a number is prime.
Test with 1,5,6,7,9,11,13 & 27.
What is a prime number in maths?
Prime numbers are special numbers, greater than 1, that have exactly two factors, themselves and 1. 19 is a prime number. It can only be divided by 1 and 19. 9 is not a prime number.
In our solution, we first check if the passed number is below 2. Then we already checked against any number below 2 being no prime number.
If the number is equal to 2, then it is a prime number and we can return true.
If any number passed both checks and we are still inside our function, then we find the maximum divisor by getting the square root of our passed number.
With a for loop, we check if the number is remainderless dividable by the iterator of i. If the remainder is 0, then we have definitely another valid calculation instead of only being able to divide a number with 1 and itself to be a prime number. Therefore, we are returning false.
Testifying the given numbers results into this printout.
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The Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ……..
In mathematical terms, the sequence Fn of Fibonacci numbers is defined by the recurrence relation
Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2
with seed values
F0 = 0 and F1 = 1
Input : n = 2
Output : 1
Input : n = 9
Output : 34
The solution is a simple method that is a direct recursive implementation
mathematical recurrence relation given above.
For Input: n = 14
Output: 377
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We start with the creation of the for loop. We have to define the loop is running from 2 to 10 in order to get the first 10 numbers. We start with the 0 and the 1 and need 8 more.
Any number n of the Fibonacci series is created by adding up the number n-1 with the number n-2.
To get the third number, we need to have number n-1 and n-2. With n = 3, this will be number 2 and 1 of the series.
The equation is therefore:
n = n – 1 + n – 2;
Result into:
2 = 1 + 0; The 3rd number of the Fibonacci series.
Then we need to switch the n – 1 and n – 2 to the newly created ones to go further in our Fibonacci series. E voilá, do it as long as you want to get all numbers for the Fibonacci series.
The complete outcome of the console:
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To accomplish our task, we create a function called findMax() and pass in our array.
Inside the body, we need to create a variable referencing our found maximum value. We set the variable max to the first element of our array. Since this it the first maximum existing. We didn’t check any other so far.
The next step is to loop over the array and check if the element we are currently looking at is greater than our current max value.
If so, replace it to the newly found maximum element of array.
Once, we are done with iterating, comparing, and adding, just return the found maximum and print it to the console, and you are done!
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