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JavaScript Internship to CEO Challenge #24/54

Task of Challenge #24

 Create a function that will merge two arrays and return the result as a new array. The two arrays: [9, 8, 7, 6],  [1, 2, 3, 4] .



The function mergeArrays has two inputs (array1 and array2). It also does create an empty array tempArray where the combined and merged array will be stored to.

This time you need two for loops to cover the merging process. You simply push all elements of the first array to the variable tempArray. When this is done, you approach the second array and push also each element into tempArray.

Once you’ve iterated over both arrays and all elements are stored into tempArray you just do the return and already have it. A merged array.

This isn’t the best method you should use. It is a good way to practice loops, but in terms of functionality, clean code, and extensibility you should take my JavaScript Course, where I introduce you also to all kinds of array methods to write maintainable and scalable code – a must-have for every JavaScript Developer.

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JavaScript Internship to CEO Challenge #23/54

Task of Challenge #23

Reverse a string. The string „JavaScript with ArnoldCode is the best!“



The function reverseString creates an empty string string2 where the reversed string will be stored to. A simple for loop covers the tasks of reversing our string. It does it by decrementing a running index of i from the string.length towards 0 and pushing therefore from the last element of the passed string until the first into string2.

You can see the parallels to arrays in challenge #22. Strings behave some kind of similar to arrays.

After the for loop, the function just returns your newly reversed string of string2.

If you want to dig deeper into strings, arrays and their methods you can read the Mozilla Dev Notes or take my JavaScript Course, where I introduce you also to all kinds of array methods (there are plenty of them and they are very useful).

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Become a Bullet Proof Developer and Seek My Coding Adventures

Sharpen Your JavaScript Coding Skills by Creating GOOD Code

Upgrade Your Legacy Coding Style With These 6 Modern Ways of Coding

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 1*kNCu5UMtqtrUrttE2pMtVg.png

And How These 3 Famous TV Shows Make You Write Excellent JavaScript Code

JavaScript Internship to CEO Challenge #22/54

Task of Challenge #22

Rotate an array to the right 1 position. E.g. [1, 2, 3] -> [ 3, 1, 2 ] | [1, 2, 4, 6, 3] -> [ 3, 1, 2, 4, 6 ].



The function reverseArray just creates an empty array ar2 where the reversed one gets into. A simple for loop covers the tasks of reversing our array. It does it by decrementing a running index of i from the array.length towards 0 and pushing therefore from the last element of the passed array until the first into ar2.

After the for loop, the function just returns your newly reversed array of ar2.

If you want to dig deeper into arrays and their methods you can read the Mozilla Dev Notes or take my JavaScript Course, where I introduce you also to all kinds of array methods (there are plenty of them and they are very useful).

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The output for the code above is:

Become a Bullet Proof Developer and Seek My Coding Adventures

Sharpen Your JavaScript Coding Skills by Creating GOOD Code

Upgrade Your Legacy Coding Style With These 6 Modern Ways of Coding

And How These 3 Famous TV Shows Make You Write Excellent JavaScript Code

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German software engineer who helps aspiring coders to learn software development enjoyably where fun & emotions come first to learn on the fly 😉